One-Legged King Pigeon Pose – Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, or the one-legged king pigeon pose, is a form of yoga which intensively stretches the groins, psoas, back, and thighs while letting the shoulders and chest open. It is a type of pose which features a backbend and hip opener. This type of yoga must be done only by practitioners experienced enough to perform such an extreme backbend pose.

The instruction is as follows: bring your body in a straight position while sitting on the surface, look forward to straighten your neck as well as your back down to your hips. Establish a pigeon pose by bending your left knee flat on the floor and straight towards your back outside the line of the hip. You must bring the bended right knee forward in a square position towards the horizontal surface. This will establish your hips in an open position. Move your right foot just in front of the left leg, which was established in a straight backwards position. Place both your hands flat on the surface while letting both wrists touch the floor. Bring your body weight down to the square position of the right leg. Let the left foot touch the back of your head by trying to reach the left foot with your hands, this will expose the elbow to be raised up to the ceiling, and will expose the chest as well. Your both hands must swing to the back while trying to reach your left foot. This will establish your back in bended position. When you have established the pose, stay in that position for about a minute. Exhale and repeat the pose with reverse legs position.

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