Ovarian cancer Part 3

The causes are not completely understood of the ovarian cancer. Prevention can be difficult as the chances to know about it are narrow. Several factors are identified that can prevent the development of ovarian cancer to certain extent. Screening methods for ovarian cancer and genes responsible for ovarian cancer are available but these are not reliable completely. Tests are available for women who have a family history for this condition, breast cancer and women with relatives having ovarian cancer.
Prevention possibility and screening details are given below:
Factors that may help and prevent ovarian cancer:
Stopping ovulation and the contraceptive pill.
During ovulation, damage is caused to the ovaries by the egg releasing and breaking process. Ovary surface cells rapidly multiply and divides to repair. This rapid process of cell growth can at times go terribly wrong resulting in ovarian cancer.
Minimizing the chances of ovulation or stoping it can help and prevent ovarian cancer. Mentioned below are few tips that stop ovulation permanent or temporary include:
tubal ligation (surgery where fallopian tubes are closed, which prevents an egg from reaching your womb).
pregnancy and breastfeeding,
the contraceptive pill,
hysterectomy surgery (removal of the womb,ovaries and the fallopian tubes),
Health care professionals often prescribe contraceptive ills as a way to protect your cells from ovarian cancer. It is convenient, no effects to fertility in long run & also reduces chances of ovarian cancer as long as you take. Their effects have a possibility to last 20 years after terminating the use.
Diet and lifestyle
Studies have found that people in developed countries like the UK are more prone because of intake of diet high in fat content. Diet with low fat content including vegetable and fruits can help to decrease the chances of ovarian cancer. There is also a possibility to develop ovarian cancer if you are obese or overweight. Reducing weight with balanced diet also lowers the risk.

Screening methods for ovarian cancer

Screening methods for ovarian cancer are not reliable to use by women in the UK. Test are available that can identify this condition in women having higher chances of developing ovarian cancer.
Test for screenings in ovarian cancer are similar to those used it diagnosing it. The screening tests for ovarian cancer are the same as those that are routinely used to diagnose it. The tests are:
a transvaginal ultrasound, in which the ultrasound probe is inserted into your vagina to show the size and texture of your ovaries, as well as any cysts that may be present.
a blood test for higher than normal levels of CA125 (a chemical produced by cancer cells)
Screening methods for ovarian cancer

At present, there is not a method of screening for ovarian cancer that is reliable enough to be used by all women in the UK, although research into this is continuing. However, there are tests that can help to identify ovarian cancer in women who have a higher than average risk of developing the condition.
The screening tests for ovarian cancer are the same as those that are routinely used to diagnose it. The tests are:
a blood test for higher than normal levels of CA125 (a chemical produced by cancer cells), and
a transvaginal ultrasound, in which the ultrasound probe is inserted into your vagina to show the size and texture of your ovaries, as well as any cysts that may be present.
The tests are used together in order to produce results that are as accurate as possible. However, as these screening methods are still in the process of being tested, they cannot guarantee to identify every case of ovarian cancer.

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