The Pekingese dog breed originated in Beijing, China. It is an ancient dog breed that has been in existence for more than 2,000 years. In all this time the appearance and temperament of the dog hasn’t really changed much. Chinese people deem the Pekingese a special dog as it closely resembles the guardian lions that the Chinese have always worshiped. This is because of the Pekingese’s unusually large eyes and they also have a long coat that forms fur around the face that looks like a lion’s mane.
Pekingese dogs are considered a toy breed. They are very small, although they do have a lot more energy than other toy dog breeds. They weigh in at between 3 and 6 kilograms on average while having a height of between 15 and 23 centimetres. They have short legs and their body length is longer than their height. Pekingese dogs have a double coat that is soft underneath and coarse on top. Breed standards dictate that this dog can have a coat of any colour. They most often have golden coloured fur, but can also be white, sable, blue, red, cream, black and other colours. When entered into a kennel club, Pekingese dogs will never be penalized for their colour.

Pekingese dogs make great companions. While they have a regal air about them, they still respect their master and will listen to instruction. They enjoy human company and can even do well with children as long as the dog is treated respectfully.