
The bird that is known as Peregrine Falcon is a widely distributed bird of prey that is most often known plainly as Peregrine and in some parts of North America, it is historically known as “Duck Hawk”. It belongs to the family known as Falconidae, and is scientifically known as Falco peregrinus.

This large bird is found in almost all parts of the world ranging from the land regions of the Arctic Tundra and up to the Tropical regions, except in New Zealand. Since this bird is found in almost all regions of the globe except in extreme regions such as Polar Regions, Rainforests, and high mountains, it is the most widespread bird of prey in the World. The scientific name as well as the English name of this bird gives the meaning “Wandering Falcon” that refers to its habit as a migratory species, especially in the northern populations.

The bird is mostly found in the mountain ranges, coastlines and river valleys, and also in cities. Most species are seen to be permanent residents, especially in the mid- winter regions. The adult males are seen to remain on the breeding territory. However, some other species, especially those that are in the Arctic regions, usually migrate travelling large distances during the winter season.

The Peregrines are large birds that are seen to have a body length that is about 34 to 50 centimetres and having a wingspan of about 80 to 120 centimetres in length. Both the male and females are seen to be almost similar having similar plumage and markings. However, a pronounced reverse sexual dimorphism is seen with regard to the size, where the males are almost 30 percent smaller than the females. The females weigh about 910 to 1500 grams and the males weigh about 440 to 750 grams.

Though there are a number of different subspecies among the Peregrines, it is seen that most of them have wings that are long, black tipped and pointed. Their backs are having plumage that is mostly bluish black or slate grey in colour and having darker barring. The underparts of these birds are seen to be pale in colour, usually white or rusty and seen to have stripes of black or brown colour. The tail is narrow, long and is smoothed at the ends, having a black tip and white band at the edge. The head is having a black crown and the cheeks have a black “Moustache” that is contrasting with the white throat and pale neck sides. The feet are yellow in colour and the claws and the beak of the bird are black coloured and strong to enable the bird to rip and tear flesh from the prey.

Since the Peregrine is a bird of prey, it feeds almost absolutely on small and medium sized birds. The prey includes songbirds, pigeons, waterfowl and doves. It also preys occasionally on small mammals such as squirrels, hares, rats and mice. It hunts mostly at daybreak and sundown.

Peregrines nest mostly on the edges of the cliff or in scrapes. In urban areas they nest on the ledges of buildings or on bridges, and the nests are built using vegetation, and are built on the sides that are usually facing in the south direction.

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