The Podenco Andaluz is an ancient dog breed originating from Spain. While it is impossible to tell what the ancestors are of the Podenco Andaluz for certain, it is believed that they descend from ancient Egyptian dog breeds. While they have been around for many centuries, they have only become a popular breed in the last few decades. Although the FCI does not have breed standards for this dog, they are still recognised but the Spanish Kennel Club.
Unlike other dog breeds, the Podenco Andaluz actually goes by three difference sizes. The tall version of the Podenco Andaluz stands at a height averaging between 53 to 64 centimetres and a weight between 21 and 33 kilograms. The medium Podenco Andaluz averages 42 to 53 centimetres tall and 10 to 22 kilograms in weight. The small variety of Podenco Andaluz stands at 32 to 42 centimetres tall and 5 to 11 kilograms in weight. Podenco Andaluz dogs also have three different coat types. They can either have wire, longhaired, or shorthaired coats.

Podenco Andaluz dogs are primarily used for hunting. While they can hunt just about any kind of animal, they are best known for hunting wild boars and hares. They have a better-than-normal sense of smell that helps them find animals even in very thick wooded areas. If need be, they can also retrieve felled animals. When they are not hunting, the Podenco Andaluz dog breed makes a good family pet. They are very loyal as long as they are treated well.