A positive attitude is the only way that anyone can be successful when beginning a smoking cessation program. Even a long-time smoker can quit if he believes that he can. In fact, a study by the University of Michigan concluded that a positive attitude is necessary to break any habit and that people with a positive attitude are 65 percent more likely to succeed in breaking the cigarette habit.
Before starting a cessation program, a smoker should set his goals, both short term and long term. This gives him something to focus on when following the journey to the smoke-free life gets difficult. In addition, having goals– something to look forward to on a bad day– can make even the worst days look a little better.
Another key component of keeping a positive outlook during the program is to decide on a mantra or a short phrase to repeat for encouragement. This mantra should be uplifting. It should make the smoker feel better about him and the fact that he is giving up a bad habit.
Planning personal time throughout the day, in one to five minute segments, has also been proved to help smoking cessation participants keep a positive outlook on the quitting process. These segments should include time to recite the positive mantra and for a short relaxation exercise.
Finally, having someone who is willing to be on call at all times for the smoker is a must. This person must be someone who can inspire the smoker to overcome the craving. Coupled with all of the other methods, positive thinking is usually effective in lessening cravings.
Positive Thoughts Lead to Positive Action

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