One of the biggest fears a person faces after quitting smoking is the possibility of relapse. Because this is already a known possibility, make sure to be prepared for preventing it. This can be done in a number of ways.
It is important to keep celebrating the success achieved from quitting smoking. You should continue to reward the accomplishment, and the chance of relapse will be smaller.
Make a conscious effort to stay away from tempting situations. A cigarette may be enticing when there are others nearby who are smoking, like in a party environment. Consuming alcohol may also bring on the craving for a cigarette. Many people also feel that smoking will help them deal with anger or stress better. Making sure these situations are avoided will lessen the chance of a relapse.
If it is impossible to get away from these triggers, focus on your quit smoking goals and do not light up. Many people think one puff will be all they need to cope–to get back on track. This is not true as one puff will usually lead to many more. It is best to stay focused on the new healthier lifestyle, and get the support of family and friends during the hard times. Support groups can also be a big help.
If a relapse does occur, recognize it for what it is and then get back on track. Think about what may have triggered it. Thus, if in the situation arises again, the relapse can be avoided. Remember the reasons for quitting and, if necessary, begin using the stop smoking aids again.