The Rampur Greyhound is also known as the Rampur Hound or the North-Indian Greyhound. It gets its name from the Rampur area of Northern India, where it originated. This dog breed was a favourite pet of royalty in India. Maharajahs would use Rampur Greyhounds to fight animals such as jackals, leopards, tigers and lions. While the Rampur Greyhound would have helped to keep the population of these animals in control, the royalty of India tended to use them for this purpose for fun or for bragging rights.
Rampur Greyhounds are a very agile and robust breed and medium to large sized. They grow to an average height of between 55 and 75 centimetres and weight range 27 to 30 kilograms. Female Rampur Greyhounds are smaller than the males by several centimetres on average. They weigh much less than other dogs of the same height. This is because they are very lean and muscular and their bodies are sleek, which enables them to run faster than other dogs. They also have a very short coat which helps with speed and agility as well.

While Rampur Greyhounds are great hunters and runners, they are exceedingly loyal to the ones that they love and enjoy being in the company of their human owners. They make good family pets as they are consistently gentle with children. They are affectionate and have a lot of energy and will want to play for hours every day so it is important for them to have a reasonable amount of space.