Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz – Dog Breed Information and Pictures

The Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz is considered an indigenous Spanish dog breed. While most dogs have a certain associated role, whether as a lap dog or as a hunting breed, these roles aren’t as specific as the job of the Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz. The Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz, also known as the Andalusian Rat-Hunting Dog, was used for the primary sole purpose of hunting the mice and rats that infested the barrel rooms of Spanish wineries in Andalusia. Because of this, they are considered a rat terrier dog breed type. Although this was their main purpose, Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz dogs have also made great companions for their owners.

Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz dogs are medium in size. They have compact frames with medium-sized heads. Their ears stand high on the head and curl forward. This breed looks very similar to the Jack Russell Terrier. They average a height of 40 cm and male Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz dogs are slightly larger than females.

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Since they are so friendly, the Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz makes for a great dog for families with small children. They have a lot of energy and love to run and play. Although they don’t take up that much space, they still need to be exercise outdoors each day. Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz owners should avoid keeping rodents as pets as well because, unsurprisingly given their origins, these dogs have a natural hunting instinct toward rodents in particular.

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