This is the story of Ray Charles, one of music’s most enduring legends. Played by Jamie Foxx, this story tells of Ray Charles’ humble beginnings as the son of a poor family in Albany, Georgia. Ray contracted glaucoma at the tender age of 6 and promptly lost his eyesight to the disease. Yet he didn’t let that stop him from becoming one of the world’s foremost pianists and performers.
The music of Ray Charles will live on for centuries after he is gone, and this movie kind of gives us a glimpse into why. This man dealt with everything that sighted black men dealt with, only he had to endure it as a blind man – from racism and drug abuse to numerous romantic letdowns (after all, what woman in that era of history would want to be saddled not only with her own problems as a black person living in the south, but with the double tragedy of being married to a blind man,)
This is a story about triumph over the most severe of obstacles. It is also filled with drama, a touch of comedy, and some really great music.
It shows how Charles’ career began and how he had a strong mother behind him, who pushed him to exceed his limits and to actually be better because of his handicaps.
The acting, the music, and the direction in this film are all superb. It is a movie you will want to watch again and again, not just for its entertainment value, but for the lessons it can teach all of us.