
It’s no joke. Stand up comedian Bill Maher visits Israel, England, the Netherlands, the Vatican City, and roams across America, talking to people about religion in a way that is going to make you want to laugh and cry at the same time. This is a funny movie all right, but sometimes, it becomes a tad funnier than we can really take without frowning.
Anyhow, Maher reaches out to religious folk and the common guy on the street, discussing whether there is a God or not, and if they think there is need for organized religion. Of course, Maher makes it clear that he does not believe in God. And he seems to really enjoy making ribs at the faithful, be they Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Mormon, rabbis, priests, politicians, scientists, evangelical ministers, and even a preacher with a mobile church.
Director Larry Charles, very famous for Borat, inserts clips from Hollywood films about religion to punctuate Maher’s point, and it will all have you rolling on the floor. More importantly, this movie will make you think. The only note of caution is this: OK, so many people believe in God and organised religion.
Can the movie really say if anyone is worse off because of his or her faith, No, not really, at least not today, not yet. Maher and Charles could well keep their glib enthusiasm just a little bit at bay. This moving is overly exciting with people who believe and people who may, and people who don’t, and who absolutely don’t.

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