The Saarlooswolfhond, also known as the Saarloos Wolf Dog or the Saarloos Wolfhound, is a wolf-dog hybrid developed in the Netherlands and in Germany. While this breed does share blood with wild wolves, it has become an established and recognised breed by the FCI and the Dutch Kennel Club. The dog is named after the breeder who created it, Leendert Saarloos. He started his work in the 1920s by crossing a Eurasian Wolf with a German Shepherd Dog. While the Saarlooswolfhond wasn’t originally what he set out to create, it still became a popular dog breed.
This rare dog is strong-willed and calm through disaster. Because of this, they are often used as guide dogs for the blind. They can keep their master out of harm’s way and keep a cool attitude while working. They’ve also been used during search and rescue missions for their stamina, endurance, and keen sense of smell. Although they are part wolf, it is very rare for the Saarlooswolfhond to fight with a human or animal when unprovoked.

Saarlooswolfhonds have a large build. They average a height of around 76 centimetres and a weight of 45 kilograms. They resemble their ancestors as they have the lean body and long legs of a wolf and the loving face and erect ears of a German Shepherd Dog. Coat colours vary from tan, white, blue, red, silver or black. They may also have splashes of white fur on their stomachs and legs.