The Sabueso Español is also known as the Spanish Hound or the Spanish Beagle. It is a dog breed from Spain that was originally used during the hunt. Because of their exceptionally keen sense of smell, they could track wounded game by the scent of their blood from considerable distances. They could also help catch small animals such as rodents and rabbits. While they are a relatively new breed, their ancestry dates back to as early as the 1300s.
Sabueso Español dogs have long, droopy ears that give them a similar appearance to the Bloodhound dog breed. They are a large dog breed and grow to an average height of between 48 and 57 centimetres. Like most other dog breeds, the female Sabueso Español dogs are noticeably smaller than the males. Sabueso Español dogs typically have coat colours of orange and white. The orange can vary from a bright orange, to a russet-brown, to a pale yellow.

Though this dog is very calm and accommodating, it is more often used as a hunting dog than a companion or family pet. Since they are so strong and willing to hunt, Sabueso Español dogs aren’t too happy about sitting around relaxing with the family. Since Sabueso Español dogs are so strong and have so much stamina, they need a lot of exercise. It is important for hunters to take their dogs out for regular walks when they are not on the hunt.