Sulimov Dog – Dog Breed Information and Pictures

The Sulimov Dog is a rare dog breed that was first bred in Russia in the 1970s. A man named Klim Sulimov was interested in creating a new dog breed. He got together some Siberian Huskies and Golden Jackals. Siberian Huskies originate from Russia as well whilst the Golden Jackals can be found all over Asia and Africa. At first, he paired these two dog breeds equally. Since the Golden Jackal is a relatively wild dog, the hybrid dogs he was getting from this pairing were not living up to his standards that he wanted from a new dog breed. They were hard to train and would not listen to his direction. Eventually, he used these half-and-half hybrids and rebred them with more Siberian Huskies. This made the hybrid mix 75% Siberian Husky and 25% Golden Jackal. The end result was well worth Sulimov’s efforts. The hybrid was then called the Sulimov Dog after the man who started the breed.

Sulimov Dogs can deal with a wide range of temperatures. This particular dog breed can flourish between negative 70 Celsius and positive 40 Celsius, surviving in most Russian weather. They also have a really good sense of smell, which is considered to be even better than most dogs. Because of their scent hound status, the Aeroflot at the Sheremetyevo Airport located in Moscow, Russia hired on 25 Sulimov Dogs in 2002. They used these dogs primarily for bomb-sniffing. They can also be used for sniffing smuggled drugs or other things that should not be brought on planes.

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