Termite exterminator treatments for homeowners

Termites can be a real problem for homeowners. Did you know that termites cause billions of dollars in damage every year in homes across the U.S.A? The creatures are capable of doing serious damage to a home, damage that can sometimes be irreparable. To fix the issues caused by the pests can result in huge expense. This is why if you do have an issue with termites, it is a good idea to look into the termite exterminator treatments for homeowners and find a solution quickly. It is recommended that as soon as you discover your home is infested with termites, you call in a professional pest control service right away. They will then be able to analyze your situation and recommend a course of action as well as provide treatment.

One of the treatment systems that can prove effective is known as the Bait System. This method works by destroying the termite colonies. A member of the pest control team can set up bait stations around the perimeter of the house, whilst monitoring the stations on a set frequency. This should help prevent further spreading of the termites.

Another way to treat the problem is through soil or wood treatment methods. Subterranean termites actually live in the soil, so treatment can be placed on soil around your home. The idea is the treatment acts as a barrier, discouraging termites to progress into the building. Usually, a trench is dug around the foundation of the house before the soil is treated with some form of termiticide, and then the trench is refilled. This treatment usually works as it helps to prevent termites from returning and any termites that are left will be killed in the house as they enter the soil to nest. One of the targets that termites focus on is wood, this is why wood treatment can be a good idea. A professional can select a wood treatment to spray on a wood surface which will kill termite colonies within, and once again discourage any more from entering. Sometimes pest control also uses injected sprays, foams and surface wipes on a wood surface.

There is that old saying that prevention is better than cure, and in this context, it makes a lot of sense. After all, if you manage to prevent the termites from doing any damage in the first place, a lot of time and money will be saved. With this in mind, it is a good idea to have a professional apply a liquid or foam substance around the perimeter of the home which would kill any termites before they even get to enter your home and start damaging your property. This method of termite prevention is especially effective at controlling subterranean termite infestations.

Finally, if you have a particularly serious case of infestation, fumigation may be the best choice. An exterminator will need to tent your property then use a fumigant that can penetrate through the wood surfaces within your home to kill all of the termites. This is a big job and so you need to be prepared to let the professionals have the space they require.

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