The Tervueren is a type of dog that falls within the category of the Belgian Shepherd Dog breed. There are four types all together listed under this breed title. The different kinds of canines present in this breed are the Tervueren, the Malinois, the Groenendael and the Laekenois. Just as the name suggests, this breed originated in Belgium.
Training the Tervueren is not a bad decision; in fact, it is widely recommended. The Tervueren is a good watchdog. This specific dog takes a lot of care because it tends to be very focused and alert. They have a lot of energy, so great care should be taken to make sure proper exercise is always encouraged. Socialising them in certain situations whilst they are young is imperative in order to effectively and safely ensure a positive demeanour.
Their bodies are well-balanced and medium in size. The Tervueren has a thick double coat of long hair. The hair is double pigmented. This means they have two colours on each hair. The coat becomes darker with age. Grooming requirements are not as extensive as some other types of dogs, but they do need some general care and grooming maintenance.

This dog is the happiest when they are working. They have been utilised for a wide range of duties outside of just herding. The Tervueren can provide excellent skills in search and rescue, tracking, or protection roles. However, this dog can also be a loyal companion as they form intense bonds with their owners.