Many couples dread the first dance at their wedding reception, maybe because they have two left feet, don’t like being on show, really don’t like soppy songs or are terrified of making a fool of themselves. The terror can leave a glimmering line of sweat upon their brow, and that’s before they have even chosen their song!
Your first dance has the potential to be the scariest choice of all your decisions thus far, but it needn’t have to be.
First you have to decide on a song. It doesn’t have to be a mushy sentimental song if you don’t want it to be. Ideally it is just a song that has special meaning to you and your fiancé. No-one else has to understand the significance of the song either; you can both stand there swaying along to Kelly Clarkson’s “since you’ve been gone”, smiling and nodding to each other, because that is song that was playing when you met. It’s all about what the song means to you.
Sentimental and romantic has its place too, not all brides want to be doing the “Monster Mash” for their first dance and may wish to express their undying love to their new husband with a modern romantic song such as Aerosmith’s “Don’t wanna miss a thing” or Celine Dion’s “My heart will go on”.
It is the first dance to lead you into your new life together as a married couple and perhaps you may instead wish to choose a song that represents the happiness in your future.
The first dance choosing a song

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