So you have made your choice of song for your first dance, but what now, This is the time when you need to decide what you are going to do for your dance.
For some couples who may be terrified of actually dancing in public, you may wish to simply dance a few steps in a close embrace and then encourage your guests onto the dance floor along with you. Have it pre-arranged with a few friends to make sure that they will get up and start dancing so that there are no awkward moments as you are waiting for everyone to join you.
You may have visions of yourself waltzing around the dance floor looking like Prince Charming and his Cinderella, which is all well and good, but do you know how to waltz, Taking some dancing lessons in anticipation of the big day will do wonders for your confidence and your composure on the day. It’s also a great way to get in some extra exercise in the lead up to the wedding and release some of that potential stress you may have.
Then there is the surprise funk/pop/musical style dance. You may start your dance with a slow romantic song as you waltz around the room only to suddenly break out into Robbie William’s “Rock DJ” and some modern choreographed routine, delighting and surprising your guests with your humour.
It can be as mild or as hot as you like; it is after all your first dance as newlyweds and a little ardour would not be unexpected.
The first dance – getting your groove on.

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