As if planning the wedding is not hard enough, finding the right location is also difficult. Every couple wants the perfect venue for the ceremony and then a perfect venue for the wedding reception.
Once you have worked out what you can afford, you need to try and find the best wedding reception package and provider to ensure your wedding is a memorable occasion. When looking for the venue where you want to hold your wedding reception, try to match it with the theme of your wedding. When selecting a venue certain factors need to be taken into consideration, such as availability, price, location and capacity. If possible try and have the ceremony and reception at the same location, as this will save you money. When choosing a venue, the most important thing to consider is capacity. There is no point booking a venue if you cannot seat all of your guests. Be flexible with your wedding date. If the venue you choose is booked on your date but free the following week, then it may be an idea to change your date. After all, you want the perfect venue so it may be worth the wait.
If your venue is a hotel or restaurant find out how they charge – do they charge per person, where for a flat fee food and drink is included in the price, or do they charge you one price for everything included. If you have less guests it’ll be better to get charged per person.
The wedding reception

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