Thyroid Under – Active

Hypo means insufficient or under, the gland produces (Thyroid gland) hormones that are helpful in maintaining the metabolism of the body. When there aren’t enough of hormones being produced by these glands, it leads to hypothyroidism because it becomes difficult to maintain the body metabolism. The adult form of the condition is called myxoedema. This condition develops in a person in young age or infancy. It is common in people who are in their mid ages.


The adults suffering from this condition have dull facial expressions and a hoarse, low pitched voice. Skin is generally scaly, dry, thick and coarse. Hair may be scanty and brittle. The person affected may be easily fatigued, suffer from constipation, deafness, heart failure, angina pectoris, anaemia, lethargic and muscle weakness.

The features of hypothyroidism include:

  • Weak muscles and cramps,
  • Hoarse voice,
  • Slow heart rate,
  • Dry and flaky skin, and
  • Weight gain

If this condition is not treated in the child hood it would lead to underdevelopment, delay in the development of their teeth, brain and also sexual maturity is delayed.


The major cause for hypothyroidism is autoimmune inflammation of the glands. This can cause irreparable damage to the glands. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a disease that is hereditary. It can also be caused by mothers who lack iodine in the body during pregnancy.
Another cause for this condition is over medical treatment for its treatment with surgery and radioactive iodine. In this case the damages done to the gland may be irreparable. Lack of Iodine can also be the cause for decrease in the thyroid hormone. The pituitary glands generate more TSH so the glands get bigger and work harder to trap all the available iodine. In Britain the risk of this condition is lesser compared to that in the other countries, as the least poor diet also contain some amount of iodine in them.


The thyroid function test is carried out to confirm the condition. In case of an unborn, the blood samples are taken from the umbilical chord to determine the condition.


Thyroxine is the best medication for hypothyroidism. In case of unborn baby that is confirmed to have the disease, the treatment needs to be started immediately after few days of its birth. This can really help in preventing the child from being mentally impaired.

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