Tietze’s Syndrome

The costochondral joint is a cartilage which lies between the bones of the breast and the ribs of a human. The medical condition which affects this costochondral joint is known by the term called Tietze’s syndrome.

The cartilage is the tough and flexible tissue which acts like the shock absorber for the human joints. The smooth movement of the joints is facilitated by the cartilages. Cartilages also help in the prevention of friction between the two bones in a joint.

In persons who suffer from Tietze’s syndrome, the cartilage present in the costochondral joint develops inflammation or swelling. This in turn leads to the development of tenderness and pain in the costochondral joint.

The Tietze’s syndrome looks very much similar to costochondritis. Persons who suffer from costochondritis experience severe pain in their costochondral joint. There are cases when both costochondritis and the Tietze’s syndrome are considered as the same medical condition. But the major distinction between the two conditions is the presence of inflammation as well as pain in persons who suffer from Tietze’s syndrome.


The characteristic symptom associated with the presence of Tietze’s syndrome in a patient if the experiencing of a very sharp pain in the region where the bone of the breast or sternum and the ribs. The pain which a person experiences in this region may appear suddenly or slowly. The second as well as the third ribs present on only one side of the person’s body will experience pain.

Cases where persons have mistook Tietze’s syndrome as myocardial infarction has also been reported.

The ribs of the person who is suffering from the Tietze’s syndrome will appear tender when touched. The affected area will have swelling also. If the ribs undergo a sudden movement like sneezing or coughing, the pain experienced will become worse.


The exact reason for a person developing Tietze’s syndrome is not yet found. But the medical practitioners normally link the Tietze’s syndrome to infections affecting the upper tract of our respiratory system like laryngitis as well as sinusitis.
Another reason which is considered as a triggering factor for the Tietze’s syndrome is the presence of persistent and severe coughing. Even though anyone can develop this condition called Tietze’s syndrome, people who fall into the age group of twenty and forty years are more prone to the development of this condition.

Men are affected by this condition at a rate which is twice as that of women.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs can be used for the treatment of the symptoms associated with the presence of Tietze’s syndrome in a person. The pain as well as inflammation characterising this condition can be soothed using the administration of NSAIDs.

The various NSAIDs that can be administered are aspirin, naproxen as well as ibuprofen. But use of NSAIDs is not advised in case of people who have hypertension, asthma or any heart and renal disorders.

In extreme cases of Tietze’s syndrome, people are given corticosteroid injections to the affected costochondral joint area. These injections help in reducing the inflammation as well as pain.

In certain cases, the condition fades off after some weeks, but there are cases where it will recur for several years.

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