Each era has its own great films, and in the 1990s these were the ten best action flicks.
10. Batman Returns
Michael Keaton returns as Batman and must take on Catwoman and the evil little Penguin, played by Danny DeVito. Tim Burton’s tale is dark and mysterious.
9. True Lies
We got to see Arnold do his action thing but also be funny and charming at the same time. It was a great role for him.
8. Terminator 2
Actually won four Oscars, not for acting of course, but still, that’s pretty impressive for an action film. Arnold does what he does best again, exterminate people.
7. Pulp Fiction
This shockingly honest look at life in urban America on the drug and mob trail was funny, stunning and downright brutal.
6. Braveheart
Mel Gibson’s famous battle cry and death scene made this movie hands down.
5. Jurassic Park
Probably the coolest movie until the Matrix came out, this adaptation about a dinosaur amusement park was so much fun everyone wanted to go on the adventure.
4. Mission Impossible
Agent Hunt was reminiscent of an American James Bond and managed to always get the ladies just like Bond. Great stunts and fast paced action scenes.
3. The Matrix
The ultimate in special effects and graphics manipulation.
2. The Fugitive
Lots of and lots of chase scenes. One of the best movies of all time.
1. Saving Private Ryan
This movie put veterans into shock when they saw it because it was so realistic. Not only were the action scenes amazing but the acting was brilliant as well.