Top 10 Fight Scenes

Every action film needs a good fight of some sort to make it a true action film. There are lots of great fight scenes varying from hand to hand to combat to gun totting madness and more. Here are the top ten fight scenes of all time.

10. Neo vs. Agent Smith – The Matrix
The computer graphics and special effects make this fight suspenseful as well as visually stunning.

9. Fight Club
Every scene in the club. Great close-up shots and intensity.

8. Biff vs. George McFly – Back to the Future
The geeky George McFly takes on the big time jock Biff in order to win over the girl of his dreams.

7. Bob Barker vs. Happy Gilmore – Happy Gilmore
Perhaps the funniest fist fight ever as Adam Sandler is beaten by the elderly Bob Barker.

6. Samurai vs. Bandits – The Seven Samurai
Brutal force and no special effects. A good hard fought fight.

5. Yu Shu Lien vs. Jen Yu – Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The cinematic introduction for most of the world to the true beauty of martial arts. Soaring through the sky and trees this is one fight scene not to be missed.

4. Spider-man vs. Dr. Octopus – Spider-man 2
Amazing special effects!

3. The Bride vs. Her Avengers
Uma Thurman versus all those who wronged her. Okay, so it is several different battles but they are all great fight scenes.

2. Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader – Star Wars: Episode V
“Luke, I am your father.” This is the stage that has been set for a classic battle between father and son.

1. Rocky vs. Apollo Creed – Rocky
Rocky’s biggest competition. The best battle. This fight is what makes Rocky a good movie.

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