Family is really the most important thing you have in your life, if you have your life on a good path. It is the backbone of everything and whether you family is family by blood or of any other sort, such as friends, it doesn’t matter, just as long as at the end of the day you know there are people who care for you and will help you up when you fall. Family is the best stuff in the world. Here’s what the movies have to say about the subject.
10. ‘We’re all children. We need approval.’
From ‘The Diving Bell and the Butterfly’
We all seek approval and acceptance from our peers, co-workers and friends, but mostly from our own families first.
9. ‘One should always be ready to listen to one’s children, even if they have nothing to say.’
From ‘Chicken Little’
Good advice for parents who tend to tune out or become self-absorbed.
8. ‘A man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.’
From ‘The Godfather’
Told just like it is. A man with a family he never sees is just a boy pretending to be a man.
7. ‘A woman becomes a mother when she gets pregnant, a man becomes a father when he sees his baby.’
From ‘Juno’
True for some fathers, but not all. Some can’t wait until the moment the baby comes out so they can just touch it for the first time.
6. ‘In families there are no crimes beyond forgiveness.’
From ‘The Prince of Tides’
It’s so hard to do sometimes, but we do have to forgive if we are ever to move on.
5. ‘Fathers are the ones that pick you up and give you the courage to do stuff you never thought you could.’
From ‘The Game Plan’
Darling in every way, shape and form.
4. ‘What family doesn’t have its ups and downs,’
From ‘The Lion in Winter’
Honestly, all families go through good and bad times. What determines their strength is how they come out on the other side.
3. ‘Why do we always expect home to stay the same, Nothing else does.’
From ‘Hearts in Atlantis’
A bittersweet realisation of moving from youth to adulthood that things will always change and we can never go back to the way they were before.
2. ’A ship is like a family. We all have our own ideas of right and wrong, but we have to pitch in for the good of the family.’
From ‘The Caine Mutiny’
That is what makes a family work, the efforts of everyone to compromise, let new members in and continue to support one another through anything.
1. ‘In this life, family is the most precious gift we are given, the most sacred. Turn your back on them and that is when you truly have nothing.’
From ‘The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants’
The best quote about family there is, because above all others this is the absolute truth. Turn your back and you have nothing, because you will have lost it all.