There are hundreds of great films out there, but nothing is quite like a sports film. Sports movies are filled with action, drama, suspense and often, quite a bit of comedy. They have it all and here are the top ten of all time.
10. ‘A League of Their Own’
Women playing baseball during wartime. It’s nice to see women out there, doing it like men, only in short skirts.
9. ‘Caddyshack’
No one will ever forget the gophers or the great comedy golfing.
8. ‘Raging Bull’
What an intense boxing film. This one makes you scared to enter the ring.
7. ‘Hoop Dreams’
Real people chasing their dreams of becoming professional basketball players. It’s a thing of beauty.
6. ‘Slap Shot’
One of the few hockey films to be made and actually turn out as a good film.
5. ‘Bull Durham’
Wouldn’t you like to meet a baseball fan like Susan Sarandon and receive ‘pointers’ to improve your game,
4. ‘Million Dollar Baby’
Drama, real drama. Plus, Hillary Swank is so cute in this film it’s incredible.
3. ‘Hoosiers’
Arguably the best sports film, because of the use of real plays and the amazing acting, but the next two still manage to edge it out.
2. ‘Rudy’
What young boy, who saw this, didn’t want to be Rudy, For that matter what grown man didn’t want to be him as well,
1. ‘Rocky’
The beginning of a franchise and a superstar, Mr. Stone. It still amazes me he actually wrote this script and demanded to star in it. A smart move and an incredible piece of cinematic history.