The wedding ‘favour’ originated in the Mediterranean, where guests at various events were presented with small boxes called “bombonieres”. Inside these boxes were five little treats, usually sugared almonds. The five sugared almonds represented health, wealth, happiness, fertility and long life. The five also represents a prime number which is unable to be divided, just like the newly married couple. These became known as favours, and the tradition has been taken up throughout the world as a great way to express one’s appreciation and gratitude towards their guests.
Modern day ‘favours’ have veered away from the five sugared almonds, as they appears to be a little old-fashioned. However, presenting your guests with the traditional Bomboniere and a small card explaining the purpose and meaning behind the treats can add that something magical and special to your favour.
If however you are looking for something a little more long lasting, something more practical or meaningful to you, here are a few guidelines.
Remember that half your guests will be men and half women, so you need to tailor your favours accordingly: a monogrammed cigar may appeal to the men, but the women may not be overly thrilled to receive it. Likewise if you presented a beautifully monogrammed cosmetics purse, the men may have a wee grumble too.
His and hers golf balls, monogrammed flute glasses, key rings with your photos in them or wine bottle openers and stoppers will be a long lasting gift that will have your guests thinking of you and your special day every time they use them.
Wedding favours – Origin, meaning and modern gifts.

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