The Welsh Corgi is a very popular dog originating from Wales and having a large population in the rest of the United Kingdom. While many people have Welsh Corgi dogs, including people in other parts of Europe and in the United States and Canada, the most famous Welsh Corgi owner is the current Queen of England, Elizabeth II. She maintains four Welsh Corgis on her property at all times. Her love for the dogs increased their popularity, and so now there is a large population of Welsh Corgis all over the world. In fact, they have even become the Royal Dog of England.
There are two main types of Welsh Corgi. They are the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Both versions are very popular, although there seems to be more of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi variety than there are of the Cardigan variety.
Welsh Corgis are best known for the way that they look. They have a long body with very short legs. Although it would seem that dogs of this unusual size would have trouble moving, that isn’t the case for the Welsh Corgi. In fact, they have been used as herding dogs in the past. They are good at protecting a herd of livestock and moving them to their next destination.

Welsh Corgis are quite small. They have an average height of between only 25 and 30 centimetres. They also have an average weight of between 11 and 12 kilograms.