As the name suggests, the Welsh Sheepdog originates from Wales in the United Kingdom. In Welsh, the Welsh Sheepdog also goes by the name Ci Defaid Cymreig. Some people call the Welsh Sheepdog the Welsh Collie, which can get confusing. Welsh Sheepdogs have been used as herding dogs since at least the 18th century when they were used by herders bringing their livestock through Welsh areas. They are still used that way today, although they also make a fairly good companion dog, as well as a good family pet.
Most working dogs eventually become almost strictly companion dogs. This happens when other technologies replace the dogs working in the field. While this has happened to a lot of herding dogs in the past, that doesn’t seem to be the case for the Welsh Sheepdog. They have continued to be used for herding sheep and other livestock animals in both Wales and England as well as other countries in the United Kingdom. Since Welsh Sheepdogs are independent, they don’t need a lot of human supervision while attending to the herd. This made them the favoured choice over other herding dogs of the area, such as the Border Collie. Besides sheep, they can also herd and protect other animals, such as goats, pigs and cows, as well as horses if need be.

Welsh Sheepdogs typically live to between the ages of 12 and 15 years old. Healthier and well cared for Welsh Sheepdogs can live even longer than this.