The White English Bulldog is an old breed of dog dating back to the early settlement of America. It is said that they were bred by the Spanish conquerors after settling present-day Florida. They go by several other names, including the White English, English White, and the Old English White. In the beginning of their existence in the early sixteenth century, they were used by the Spanish to not only fight big animals and protect their camps, but to attack Native American Indian tribes as well. Nowadays, they are most often used as a guard dog for homes as well as for livestock. They protect both humans and animals and White English Bulldogs aren’t afraid to resort to violence if they feel threatened. While it presents itself as fierce to outsiders, the White English Bulldog is a very friendly dog in general when it comes to its family. It is even good with families with small children, and makes an excellent family pet.
White English Bulldogs are named as such because they are almost exclusively white in colour. They may have small patches of fur of varying shades such as red, brown, or brindle, but this usually won’t cover more than a quarter of the body. White English Bulldogs are medium in size. They average a weight of between 25 and 50 kilograms, although female White English Bulldogs are lower on that scale than males. They average a height of between 50 and 64 centimetres, with females again on the low end of the scale.