
Knitting is a craft that turns yarn or thread into artistic things like toys, dresses, skirts, and other kinds of clothing. It is done by interlacing yarns in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or knitting machines. Knitting was originally done by women in ancient times who made various products. However, at present, knitting has become rare and the majority of the people who still do this (called knitters) consider it an art and hobby.

Yarn is one of the essential supplies used for knitting. It is a long constant length of interconnected fibres. The different types of yarn for knitting are classified according to their purpose, weight, ply, texture, pattern, source fibre, and colour. The fibre of the knitting yarn can be either natural or synthetic. One of the most popular sources of yarn is animal fibre. Other well-known yarns are made of silk and vegetable fibres. Yarn is commonly used undyed (uncoloured or unbleached) by beginners in knitting. However, if you already have some knowledge of knitting, you can use coloured yarns.

There are two ways of holding yarn, the English way and the continental or European method. The English method is done by holding the yarn with the right hand, while Continental uses the left hand. Most knitters believe that Continental is faster and easier, but beginners usually use their left hands to hold yarns, so perhaps the English way is easier. However, both methods produce the same knitting, so it’s up to you which of the two you will use.

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